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PRAADVIIK advance agri solutions is realization of passion of technocrat and young entrepreneur to establish a commercial biotechnology firm in Uttar Pradesh with a mandate to deliver technically proven superior quality tissue culture raised planting material and services to farmers for nurturing agriculture sector of the region.
Allahabad Advance Agri solutions is a first plant biotechnology venture in Eastern Uttar Pradesh. The firm had been incorporated as partnership firm in the sector of biotechnology with full-fledged operation at Allahabad. The firm is owned by a young woman entrepreneur and have production capacity of 0.5 million ( 5 lakhs) plantlets per annum. As a matter of pride, in the recent past A3S has become an authentic source of quality tissue culture raised planting material for farmers in region.
The Laboratory is extensively involved in the area of biotechnological research, development of commercially viable tissue culture protocol as well as production and distribution of tissue culture raised planting material of different plant species. Though firm is recently established at state-of-the-art in Allahabad, the facility has adopted the best commercial practices available round the globe. Currently, firm is focusing on distribution of quality Banana and other tissue culture planting materials to the farmers of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Madhya Pradesh.